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it takes a lot of thought and effort and downright determination to be agreeable. 以下是小编为大家搜索整理的2017下半年英语六级cet6听力常速训练,希望能给大家带来帮助!更多精彩内容请及时关注我们应届毕业生考试网!

some 770 million people do not have (1) __________water and 2.5 billion more lack basic sanitation. if the status quo continues, by the year 2025, half of the world’s population, around 3 billion people will be living under (2)__________ conditions, causing an increase in hunger, disease, (3)__________ death and strife.

according to united nations associate administrator of the un development programme, rebeca grynspan, “not only is the world experiencing explosive growth in the demand for water resources, but water waste and pollution increasingly threaten the (4)__________ of aquatic and agro ecosystems vital for life and food security.”

to help address this issue, the united nations has declared 2013 the international year of water cooperation. at a recent conference, held in tajikistan’s capital dushanbe, u.s. deputy assistant secretary for the bureau of oceans and international environmental and scientific affairs, daniel reifsnyder stated that there is no (5)__________ to global and regional cooperation on water.

“as demands rise and supplies decline – as (6)__________ increases – there will be conflicts among competing uses and among competing users. there will be (7)__________ over who has access, and over when and how water is used. there will also be less room for mistakes and a greater need to get the most value out of every drop.”

one good example of a mechanism that supports (8)__________ on shared waters is the shared waters program, or swp, at the united nations development program. this is a multi-donor platform for establishing new, or strengthening existing, regional mechanisms for advancing cooperation on shared waters, said deputy assistant secretary reifsnyder.

the united states is currently supporting this program in a number of the world’s river basins, laying the groundwork for shared management. once the groundwork has been completed, traditional development (9) __________will support the next steps in developing and realizing the program.

still, half of all international river basins lack any cooperative management framework. that must change.

“there really is no choice,” said deputy assistant secretary reifsnyder. “the history here is clear – without cooperation economic growth is slower and insecurity grows. through cooperation, communities and countries can fully realize the (10)__________ of shared water resources, and work toward a more secure water future.”






mate disputes



le benefits

tionn. [医] 环境卫生;卫生设备;下水道设施

the location is exceptionally poor, viewed from the sanitation point.

从卫生角度来看, 这个地段非常糟糕。

cadj. 水生的;水栖的;在水中或水面进行的

aquatic sports include swimming and rowing.


ilityn. 可变性,变化性;[生物][数] 变异性

there is considerable variability in all the test scores.


. 水池;流域;盆地;盆

she tipped the flour into the basin.


quon. 现状

we must not return to the status quo.


reifsnyder stated that there is no alternative to global and regional cooperation on water.

no alternative to 除了...别无选择

there appears to be no alternative to the increase of price.


she had no alternative but to ask for a few days"leave.


united states is currently supporting this program in a number of the world’s river basins, laying the groundwork for shared management.

lay the groundwork for做准备工作

go ahead and lay the groundwork for your next great achievement.


though a classical giant, mozart helped lay groundwork for the romantic with its less precise structures.












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