
时间:2023-04-11 10:27:44 浏览量:

演讲稿励志 五分钟9篇

演讲稿励志 五分钟篇1


  大家好!没有对生命的渴望,就没有破茧而出的飞蛾;没有对自由的渴望,就没有庄生扑蝶的美梦;没有飞天的梦 想,就不可能实现嫦娥奔月的神话,只有怀着梦想的民族,才能经不衰,愈走愈强。







  雄关漫道真如铁,是对梦想的追求;而今迈步从头越,是对梦想的执着!历史的接力棒已经交到我们手中 ,教育是中国的灵魂,我们要大声宣言:勿忘昨天的苦难与辉煌,无愧今天的责任与使命,不负明天的梦想 与追求,来吧,为了美好的明天,为了光荣的未来,前进!我的梦,中国梦!


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演讲稿励志 五分钟篇3

  Dear teachers and students

  hello everyone!

  Time reincarnation, all things update. A long and short first year of junior high school has passed. After a summer vacation, we have opened the door of the new semester together. Mr. Li Dazhao once said: the most interesting thing in life is to send the old to welcome the new, because the highest desire of mankind is to create life all the time. So, have you drawn a blueprint for the new semester, and have you made enough psychological preparations to welcome the arrival of the new semester?

  The road is still yesterday"s road, but the milestone is new; The song is still yesterday"s song, but it"s more beautiful today; The sun is still yesterday"s sun, but it radiates a new light. When we look at the first sunrise in the East, should we check ourselves: is my dream still, is my heart still flying? We once had brilliance, but it has become a sweet memory beside our pillow; Perhaps, we have suffered setbacks, but it has become a few drops of bitter tears. Forget the past success and failure, we just need to engrave the experience and lessons in our heart, let the past glory inspire us, the past failure is just to set off the future success.

  We are students of the Olympic class. "No best, only better" is our slogan, "higher, faster, stronger" is our purpose. In the classroom, you can easily see the students working hard, and you can also hear the voice of arguing about a problem... But "there is no best, only better". In the ocean of knowledge, we are never satisfied. Here, I have to mention the problem of partial discipline. Of course, there should be only a small number of students with this problem, but this problem is more likely to occur in the Olympic class than other classes. As we all know, this is a bad phenomenon, but individual students are not so handy because they have not laid a solid foundation for other subjects in primary school. As a result, they put all their mind on the subject of mathematics, striving to create their own world in this field, so they gave up other subjects. Here, I would like to introduce a story to you. The content is absolutely true. Some students may have read it, because it was published in Guangzhou Daily on August 27. It"s about a high school student who ranked 29 in the second semester of senior high school. After a year"s hard work, he won the first place in the class in the last mock exam and college entrance examination. He has always been poor in chemistry, but after making up his mind to work hard, he won the first place in the whole grade in only two months. In fact, he broke through his imagination and began to dream big. He said that there is a term in psychology called "self fulfilling prophecy", which means that if you believe you can do it, you can do it in the end; If you doubt that you can"t do it, you will step back. He also said, "believe in your best results, because that"s the realm you"ve reached. If you believe in it, then you"ll get there again." and "don"t care about an accidental failure, because if you care about this disorder, you believe in it, and it will become your negative prophecy and make you repeat it."

  Another problem is the selection of characteristic classes. Our characteristic is: lively and self disciplined, but we haven"t applied for it because we haven"t done enough. Vivacity is what we have done. It seems that we have gone too far. But what about self-discipline? Discipline has always been our old problem, and it always comes back to life. In fact, I don"t want to mention it again, because I know that everyone is tired of listening to it, and they all know how to do it, but they just can"t do it. Have you ever thought that the words you unintentionally uttered in class have nothing to do with the class, and the laughter you unnaturally uttered in self-study class will affect not only yourself, but also the whole class. Don"t you feel guilty if your fault affects the whole class? I won"t say much about the general principle. We all know what we should do in our hearts. But why can"t we do it? Is it just because we are addicted to playing and out of control for a while? I hope that this semester, we can apply for special classes. No matter whether we are qualified or not, as long as we have a clear conscience when we submit the materials, it will be our progress.

演讲稿励志 五分钟篇4

  Confidence is the first secret to success. It is not only the trust in your ability, but also the firm belief in the goal you pursue. With it, we can drive to the other side of victory. "Only confidence can make people work in the best mental state without being suspected of swallowing your imagination," said the famous scientist mendelev. Socrates also said: "whether a person has achieved depends on whether he has self-esteem and confidence." In short, confidence is the navigation tower pointing to victory, and the inexhaustible driving force for the progress.

  Inferiority is contrary to self-confidence. Inferiors often see and overemphasize the advantages of others, but they don"t know their strengths enough to feel that they can"t do anything and don"t want to try to catch up with them. So heavy psychological pressure makes these people reluctant to go ahead. The psychological barriers of inferiors limit the development of their abilities, and make them lose the chance of success, and finally nothing can be achieved. And out of the shadow of inferiority, the front must be sunny days! Whether it is "thousand hands Guanyin" or "chasing light" in dance miracle, the actors fight against the strong with their faith and destiny, and overcome inferiority. Their shocking performance won the warm applause of the audience and loved by people. Therefore, it is our inevitable choice to overcome inferiority and cultivate self-confidence.

  The egotists and the confident are not fit. Conceit and inferiority are extreme psychology. The egotists are complacent after they have achieved some achievements, even empty eyes and arrogance. Even if they have made some achievements before, they are just short-lived. The lessons in history deserve our memory. Xiang Yu played an important role in the struggle to overthrow the cruel rule of the violent Qin Dynasty. However, his temporary military superiority made him blind and arrogant and he was "overlord" and was defeated by Liu Bang. The hero who could not be seen in the past had been defeated by Wujiang. Cao mengde, who was in the Three Kingdoms, was a lesson of failure caused by conceit and covering the red wall. Therefore, it is very important for a successful person to correctly evaluate his strengths and achievements, face up to his own shortcomings and shortcomings, and draw the boundary between self-confidence and self-confidence.

  How to treat self-confidence, inferiority and conceit is full of dialectics. We should believe in ourselves, but not conceited; We should face up to the shortcomings, but not inferiority. Choosing self-confidence, overcoming inferiority and keeping away from self-esteem is the requirement of the new century and the pursuit of perfect personality.

  So we should encourage ourselves more: "it doesn"t matter if the report card is not beautiful. As long as I try hard, it is a good student!"“ It doesn"t matter if I have a bad foundation. As long as I make progress every day, it is a success! "“ My life is full of sunshine, I work hard the most beautiful! " Through every day with confidence like this, you will experience more and more: my life is very valuable, I am the best!

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演讲稿励志 五分钟篇8






演讲稿励志 五分钟篇9

  Dear teachers and students

  hello everyone!

  In our real life, everyone will have a successful experience, but also have the bitter experience of failure. When we succeed, we will have a bright smile on our face; When encountering setbacks, some fail, others are striving to advance and face difficulties. How should we face the success and failure of learning and life for our students?

  This leads to the theme I am going to talk about today: "win not arrogant, lose and not be discouraged". The ancients once said: "the winner is not proud, the loser is not discouraged." What you say is this principle. When you have made great efforts to achieve success, you must not be complacent, proud of the world and have no one in mind. Instead, you should summarize the successful experience, work hard to achieve higher and better goals; When you encounter setbacks and failures, you must never lose heart and hurt, break the jar and break. Instead, you should carefully check your own things, find out the reasons and summarize them constantly, and then you will go from a failure to success. Failure is not terrible, and what is terrible is that we cannot realize our own shortcomings from it.

  We often say "failure is the mother of success", which is the road to success. Sometimes failure is inevitable. Is Edison, the great inventor, not only successful after numerous failures? After countless failures - success, in success, the electric light was invented. Edison is like this. Liu Xiang, the Athens Olympic champion, also has won such a remarkable achievement after countless failures, and achieved the breakthrough of Asian sprinting gold medal zero, and won light for Chinese and Asian people! But we should learn from the failure constantly, learn from the successful people, and realize that failure is temporary from the psychological point of view. As long as you can adjust your mind and find out the problem, and add your hard work, you will surely get the result of your satisfaction.

  We have just carried out the mid-term examination. Because of the different foundation of each student, some students have achieved excellent results through their own efforts, while some students feel that their achievements are not ideal and fail to achieve their goals. In this way, there are two kinds of mentality students. Students who have been well tested will be happy and encouraged, but they must not be proud and continue to move forward; Students who are not rational in the exam should not be pessimistic and disappointed. If they find out the missing, they will eventually get excellent results. I want to tell you that the examination is only a means of testing. It reflects the degree of knowledge you have learned since the beginning of school. The score can only represent the past and not the future. As long as you can analyze the reasons of your failure from the examination, summarize your shortcomings, I believe that you will be the top in the future examination.

  In our daily study and life, we should keep a good mentality, and achieve victory without pride and failure. I sincerely hope that every student, in the future study, should overcome the difficulties in learning, learn difficulties, climb the peak bravely, strive to achieve: before class, we should carefully preview, prepare the necessary learning supplies; In class, we should think positively, speak boldly, ask if you don"t understand it; After class, we should review them in time and finish the class and homework assigned by teachers. The work should be written in a neat manner, and the work should be completed independently. The work should be as good as possible and the mistakes should be corrected immediately. We firmly believe that as long as the students try to do it, the final exam will certainly get excellent results.

  Win not arrogant, lose not discouraged. Let us always keep a heart of struggle, summarize today"s success and failure, look forward to tomorrow"s glory, after all of our hard work and hard work, we believe that we can achieve their ideal other shore.

  Remember: "win not arrogant, lose not discouraged," this famous saying, believe it will bring great encouragement and help to your life.

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