
时间:2023-04-07 19:35:31 浏览量:





























  拼搏是一种过程,历经拼搏,便不会再因结果的好坏,而欣喜若狂或心情沮丧; 拼搏是一种资本,它助我们在主动中发挥自己的最大潜能,像海燕一样在惊涛骇浪中体会搏击长空的快感; 拼搏是一种境界,它既没有风花雪月的浅唱低吟,也没有初入社会的感世伤怀,它有的是冲击终点的挑战自我,是直面人生的引亢高歌。 走一条无怨无悔的路,拼搏,为你响起成功的前奏。


  Dear leaders and colleagues

  hello everyone!

  The topic of my speech today is "let youth fly".

  What is youth? Some people say that youth is a gorgeous and colorful flowering season, a gloomy and lingering rainy season, a green and green spring, a romantic and hot summer. Some people say that youth is tears when laughing, a smile when crying, a relaxed depression, a heavy indulgence. Others say that youth is a jar of mellow wine, a bunch of bright words. Everyone has their own interpretation of youth, everyone has everyone"s answer. It is for the different answers and interpretations of elders that people rush onto their own roads to explore their own mysteries and decipher the code of youth.

  Youth can afford to be tempered but not to be wasted, and it can afford to be developed but not to be squandered. Paul Kochakin once said: "life is the most precious thing for human beings. Life has to endure only once, and human life should be spent like this". When he looks back on the past, he will not be ashamed because of his regret for wasting time, nor because of his mediocrity. When he is dying, he can say: "my whole life and all my energy, They have been dedicated to the greatest cause in the world - the struggle for the liberation of mankind. ". So we should cherish our youth, take advantage of our youth, do our best to show our bright and unique style on the stage of youth, and let our youth fly! It"s like countless stars shining in the starry sky of life.

  It"s been nearly a year since I studied and lived in the vocational education center. During this period, I deeply feel that the life in the original vocational high school can be as compact as that in the general high school, and there is also a chance to fully show my talents. The creator gives us the same brain and limbs as each grace, the same thinking and behavior abilities, and fairly gives us 24 hours a day. So why don"t we seize the opportunity to show ourselves heartily? In fact, we can show our solid foundation and achievements in learning, show our excellent understanding and skilful skills during the internship, and show our smart actions and vigorous steps in the annual sports meeting, In singing competition to show their own light voice and superb stage performance, perhaps, some people with low self-esteem will say: "I can"t". But opportunity is the wings of life, seize it, you can fly very high. It favors the strong, because the strong is ready for everything, it often evades the weak, because it can"t stand the dull eyes of the weak. A successful person once said, "90% of the so-called losers are not defeated, but give up the opportunity and hope of success." how can you know that you can"t do it by seizing the opportunity and trying? Deng Jianjun is a good example. Like us, he studies in higher education and is assigned jobs by the school, but he is not willing to stay in a small job for a lifetime, Seize all kinds of opportunities, and finally realize their own life value. Of course, if you want to show your best in front of the public, it is far from enough to simply wait for opportunities, but you need to have full self-confidence and bold innovation spirit.

  Self confidence is a kind of pre reflection that an individual has a successful grasp of the achievements and aspirations of his cognitive activities and practical activities. People who have a successful career believe that, Madame Curie said, "we should have confidence in ourselves. We should believe that our talent is used to do something, and we should do it well at any cost." This is the importance of self-confidence to us. Napoleon also has a famous saying: "you should be confident in everything you do for me, so everything I have done has been successful." The difference between successful people and losers is that the most positive thinking, the most optimistic spirit and the most brilliant experience of successful people dominate and control their lives. Losers, on the contrary, are guided and dominated by all kinds of failures and doubts in the past. We should have this dreamlike golden season of youth, full of confidence in ourselves and give full play to our talents.

  Innovation is the ability to think in an unconventional way. It is the ability to think the same thing as others, but it is unique and comes up with something different from others. The same water margin, ordinary people burn is boiling water, but watt can burn steam engine. Similarly, his hand was cut by grass leaves, but Luban invented the saw. Similarly, when he saw the apple falling from the tree, the fruit people only felt distressed. However, Newton discovered the law of universal gravitation. What is the root cause of this difference? There is only one answer: Watt, Luban and Newton observe and understand everything from different angles. We should also stimulate our own innovative ideas, give full play to our rich imagination, and make the world a brand new place in the vigorous days of youth.

  Youth is priceless and short, showing ourselves is the most precious gift from God. We should maximize our talents, let our youth fly, and let showing ourselves become the most important course in our life.

  Thank you, my speech is over!























  Dear leaders, judges and colleagues

  hello everyone!

  The title of my speech is let youth fly.

  Young, there are ideals and expectations. Youth seems to be swaying in the quiet and tranquility of the countryside, but it is not far away from the bustle and noise of the city. We still keep the expectation of pursuing ideals and never give up. Life is not the lack of wonderful, but the need to create wonderful. As an ordinary District worker, it is our duty and obligation to contribute to the economic and social development of the high tech Zone. As a native of Henan, it is meaningful to contribute to the development of his hometown? At present, it is a good time to build a new high-tech city and develop the XX economic zone. We should base ourselves on our own duty, work together, and devote ourselves to our work with more enthusiasm and more solid style.

  We are as ordinary as everyone. Our daily work is usually trivial, but as a district worker, everything we do may be related to the vital interests of the people. "Ordinary" and "great" are the unity of opposites, "ordinary" breeds "great", and "great" comes from "ordinary". Ordinary is a lonely wasteland, pregnant with the rise, as long as you are willing to open up; Ordinary is fertile soil, pregnant with harvest, as long as you are willing to work; Ordinary is a trickle, pregnant with deep, as long as you are willing to accumulate. Although we can"t gallop to the battlefield with great ambition, we can stand up to our duty and work hard. Although the grass is small, we should be proud of the lushness of the vast grassland; Although I am small, I should be proud to be a member of the new high-tech city construction, because I believe in the ordinary work is also shining“ The tree that embraces is born at the very end; The nine storey platform starts from the accumulated soil; A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. "“ No silicon step, no even thousands of miles; If you don"t accumulate small streams, you can"t build a river or a sea. " As long as we start from every little thing around us, if we can make every little thing perfect, then we are great. If I were water, I would do it. If I were a tree. I don"t want to think whether I can succeed or not. Since I have chosen to be far away, I only care about the wind and rain; I don"t want to think about whether there will be cold wind and cold rain behind me. Since the goal is the horizon, the only thing left to the world is the back; I don"t think the future is flat or muddy, as long as I love life, everything is expected!

  Comrades, the management committee will build a new high-tech city, the grand blueprint has been drawn, the clarion call has been sounded, the construction of new high-tech city needs your and my participation! I would like to use my passion to hit Huang zhongdalu, who is emancipating his mind; I would like to be a small note, to melt my youth into the magnificent melody of a harmonious society, to compose a colorful movement of building a new high-tech city. Let"s strive for the construction of a rich, civilized, harmonious and beautiful new high-tech city with the spirit of "long way to go, long way to go, I"ll go up and down to seek", the spirit of dedication of "silkworms to death, wax torches to ashes, tears to dry", and the ambition of "long wind and waves to meet sometimes, straight cloud sail to the sea"!

  My speech is over, thank you!



















  Dear students

  hello everyone!

  Today, the topic of my speech is "let youth fly", youth is a beautiful story, youth is a moving melody, youth is a moving poem.

  We are in the blooming season, we are in an era of passion. In this period of time, we are the most lively and dynamic. We will come together, do not care about the difference in identity, because on campus, we are just ordinary students. We share our happiness and troubles with each other. There is no estrangement between us, so we can talk freely, from south to north, as long as we are interested in will become the object of our discussion, even if we unintentionally hurt each other, never care.

  Youth is the best time for us to accumulate and enrich ourselves. We are in the most energetic era, and it is also the best time for us to learn and struggle. Together, we can inspire each other, push forward together, and work together for our own goals. Because we are not convinced with each other and want to surpass others, we have the motivation to move forward and struggle. Only in this way can we listen to the teacher and take notes in class; During the break, if you have any questions you don"t understand, ask your teacher or partner. Sometimes when we fail in the exam, we will comfort each other. At the same time, we will find our own problems and encourage ourselves not to be careless and make the same mistakes next time.

  Youth is an unforgettable time, bringing us too many good memories. In this memory, there are our laughing back, our helpless when facing setbacks, and our sweat. From the beginning of military training, we met. At that time, we were not familiar with each other, but after the military training, we had become a big family, caring for each other and united as one. For more than a year, we have become more and more familiar with each other, and we have become more and more close to each other. During this period, many unforgettable things such as the sports meeting have happened. I really hope we will never separate.

  Youth, what a fascinating and unforgettable world, colorful. We must grasp our own youth, don"t white the youth"s head, empty sad! Students, youth without regret, let"s write youth together!





















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